Effective immediately, a CLP will be issued for no more than 365 days from the date of issuance, not to exceed one year from the Commercial Driver License (CDL) General Knowledge exam pass date. A CLP expiration date may not exceed the expire date of the accompanying driver license. CLPs that were originally issued for 180 days may be renewed one(1) time for no more than 180 days, not to exceed one year from the CDL General Knowledge exam pass date.
CDL exams (knowledge and/or skills) that have not been applied to an issuance of a CDL within one year of the CDL General Knowledge exam pass date are not valid for issuance and will require retesting.
Since customers must hold a CLP for 14 days before a skills test may be taken, a CLP will not be issued if the customer does not have at least 30 days of eligibility left on their CDL General Knowledge exam.
Also CSTIMS has been updated to allow the 1 year CLP Issuance.